Spring is sprung, and we’re ready to update you on Caz 2021 plans. Quick summary: Caz California is YES (subject to some conditions), Caz NW is No (but there’s an opportunity to see your friends), and Caz Virtual is a VERY BIG YES. Read on for details!
Caz Northwest
With the Pacific Northwest still very early in resuming in-person gatherings, we’ve decided a full Caz NW program in June is too risky–and also not financially feasible. But some campers are organizing a small, unofficial get-together at the Longbranch site. Please contact Jonathan Shakes to learn more.
Caz California
We are extremely grateful to the 100 (!) people who replied to last month’s survey. Your feedback about how much you value in-person Caz, along with vaccination progress to date, have led us to plan Caz California sessions in August for a much-needed experience of creativity and connection.
We expect to launch registration on the Caz website within the next week. Please understand, though, that these variables are still in play:
  • For everyone’s safety, camp will have covid-specific rules. We are developing our plan now, and will revise as needed based on guidance from the California Department of Public Health.
  • To prevent infection, we must have significantly fewer people than usual in each session–but our expenses will not go down proportionally (and some will go up). So when we open registration, you can expect to see an additional “covid charge” per camper to offset the fact that Caz 2021 will be running at a loss. (And yes, we will have scholarships this year even so.)
  • Until we see how many people register, we cannot guarantee camp will happen. So if you want to share the redwoods this summer with your Caz friends, please register ASAP once we send the link.
Caz Virtual
For those whose health or other factors prevent joining us in person, rest assured that Caz family virtual programming will enliven the whole month of July! Joshua Silverstein is putting together a dynamic and spectacular line up. Daily, weekly, and monthly workshops and events will bring Caz into your daily home life. More info coming soon. Of course, even if you will be coming to Caz in person, you can definitely participate in virtual Caz as well!
Really excited to re-activate our creative and loving community,
Tova and John